Discover our security & compliance services to help protect your organization’s future.
Enable resilience and protect your business operations from threats!
In our constantly evolving digital environment, security threats and cyber damage are having a bigger impact than ever before. Increased interconnectivity and new technologies like 'Internet of Things' (IoT) result in an ever-growing threat. It is expected that damage costs relating to cyber attacks are to hit $6 trillion annually in upcoming years with an average data breach resulting in $150 million of damages.
More than half of the organisations that suffered from a successful cyber attack aren’t making any changes to their security strategy. Consider existing risks like natural disasters ( floods, storms, earthquakes, ... ), severe local incidents ( power outage, fire or explosion, ... ), unexpected updates/patches, human error, internal attacks, social/political harassment, terror attacks, etc.
Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, the threat landscape is real. Act now and protect your data from any incident or malicious intend. Secure your organization’s information assets!
Prevent intrusions, monitor your digital environment, backup safely and practice your recovery scenario frequently.
7HiLL ensures YOUR business continuity, compliant with your security architecture.
Security Assessments & Audits
Cyber Attacks
Compliancy & Data Privacy
Compliancy policy management
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Business Continuity Management
Disaster Recovery
Recovery Architecture
Service oriented
Smart. Strong. Cost-effective.
There are only two types of companies:
those that have been hacked,
and those that will be.
Protect your core information assets,
the lifeblood of your organisation!