At the start of the millennium it was time for disruptive change and we wanted to be part of it. Founded in 2001, we already identified back then technology as a key enabler for running businesses faster and cost efficiently.
We wanted to have our philosophy reflected in our company name by distinguishing from many other ICT providers out there who often overlooked or handled this process in cursory fashion, leaving potential customers only with robotic "heard-that-one-before" company name and mission statements.
Instead we wanted to create something that is alive, that has a personality, a story all by its own. Something that intrigues, makes customers curious at least, starts a conversation, creates an emotional connection perhaps. Following a molding and shaping process, 7HiLL was born!
Integrating technology with your business
… by far more easy compared to the very high peaks or great depths one needs to conquer first, before reaching IT solutions others only promise.
Inspired by great architects like Antonio Gaudi, “Originality consists of returning to the origin and simplicity of solutions. Nothing is invented, for it's written in nature first”. The Australian Olgas inspired us (Kata Tjuta for the Australian Aborigines meaning many heads). The exceptional natural wonder - a group of rounded red conglomerate masses of rock rising out of the desert pain - got rounded & polished due to erosion and who - from a far distance - appear just like a few hills at the horizon. Getting closer, it's a unique and harmonic atmosphere, smoothly integrated in nature's open-air decor: no sharp & dangerous edges, no peaks, great views, uniquely crafted to fit and providing more than a good feeling...
7HiLL identified many synergies with these characteristics and continuously finds new ways to bring the elements together in order to deliver a harmonised, nicely integrated and cost-efficient solution to your business, 7 days a week.
Top Quality
7HiLL differentiates by delivering the highest-level of quality in whatever we do. It's part of our result-driven approach, it's visible every day in the results we produce, it's what 7HiLL stands for.
Like with premium wines, excellent ICT services are hard to find today delivering true added-value, still at competitive market prices. We often like to compare the degree of customer-satisfaction and quality level we target for, with the high quality requirements that apply for one of Australia's famous wine regions: Barossa & Clare Valley (just a 1-hour drive from Adelaide, SA).
7HiLL identifies itself with these characteristics, quality, trying to be best of class, continuously looking for ways to improve and run more cost-efficient, by integrating technology components as required ending up in a harmonized solution for your business. Needless to say we like celebrating project closeouts with the project team accompanied by a good glass of top reds!
Clare Valley houses the village "Sevenhill", so you'll understand by now where we got our inspiration!
Your success motivates us to continue working towards!
7 in ICT
Coincidence? We see the number 7 popping up in all kind of areas in the world of ICT.
The OSI model (Open System Interconnection reference model)
A way of describing how different applications and protocols interact on network-aware devices), 7-layered.
7 in the world
It’s surprising to observe how many people seem to have a certain affinity with “7”. Whether they’re in search for seven reasons to care, or 7 reasons to love, or to invest, to be or to become, looks like everyone finds 7 a good fit to classify or get things organized.
Perhaps that’s because a good strategy starts with 7 habits ☺
7 days committed
7 days a week, 24 hours a day we are available and at your service! Our customers truly appreciate our understanding of 'ultimate flexibility'; a necessity in order to support any business in today's globalised world. One of 7HiLL's key strengths are professional services in areas of high-availability and business continuity, we cannot deliver without full customer commitment!
YOUR business
The tagline in our logo continuously reminds us to focus on your core business needs and requirements, while in parallel we dive into all available technologies & techniques in order to get them addressed. To ensure solutions assurance, we continuously check back & forth. As every business is different, we at 7HiLL are convinced that you -as a customer- deserves a central role if we want to be successful!