Discover our alliance ecosystem. At 7HiLL, we’re intensively working together with leading organizations in different fields of the technology industry. We strongly believe the right partnerships are key to growth!
Over the years, our proven track record lead towards a vast global network of technology leaders and service providers. Our know-how and deep tech expertise results in long-lasting relationships with our partners and suppliers delivering hardware & software excellence and a qualitative, robust and reliable solutions architecture.
The 7HiLL ecosystem ensures an innovative yet feasible, vendor-backed reference architecture in all our projects.
Association of Enterprise Architects
The Association of Enterprise Architects (or AEA) is an international organisation for Enterprise Architects. Its goals include furthering the careers of members, improving capabilities of its members, and raising the profile of the Enterprise Architecture profession. The association was formerly known as the Association of Open Group Enterprise Architects (AOGEA). The association publishes the quarterly Journal of Enterprise Architecture (JEA), with peer-reviewed content.
Uptime Institute
Uptime Institute is an unbiased advisory organisation focused on improving the performance, efficiency, and reliability of business critical infrastructure through innovation, collaboration, and independent certifications. It is best known for its widely adopted tier certifications of data centers.
The Open Group
The Open Group is a vendor- and technology-neutral industry consortium, with over five hundred member organizations. It was formed in 1996 when X/Open merged with the Open Software Foundation. Services provided include: strategy, management, innovation and research, standards, certification, and test development. The Open Group is the certifying body for the UNIX trademark, and publishes the Single UNIX Specification technical standard, which extends the POSIX standards. The Open Group also develops and manages the TOGAF standard, which is an industry standard enterprise architecture framework.The Open Group members include a range of IT buyers and vendors, as well as government agencies and others (for example: Capgemini, Fujitsu, Oracle, HPE, Orbus Software, IBM, Huawei, Philips, US Department of Defense, NASA).
OpenStack is a free and open-source software platform for cloud computing, mostly deployed as infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), whereby virtual servers and other resources are made available to customers. The software platform consists of interrelated components that control diverse, multi-vendor hardware pools of processing, storage, and networking resources throughout a data center. Users either manage it through a web-based dashboard, through command-line tools, or through RESTful web services.