Entreprise Architecture

Top Enterprise Architecture Methodologies


Top Enterprise-Architecture Methodologies

Source: Hamzeh AbuZaid - Published on May 13th 2015 - Link

Enterprise Architecture (EA) is gaining additional visibility and importance, and it is attaining higher levels of influence within many organizations today. As the importance and stature of EA grows,

so too does the number of frameworks proposed to support the work of EA. This proliferation has led to an increasing challenge within organizations to develop a process for selecting the correct framework that best fits their unique needs, culture, and goals. Traditionally, EA frameworks have been used to facilitate alignment; between the strategic goals and direction of the organization and the IT that supports the business units within the organization. This alignment process is a critical component to support the continued growth and success of a firm.



Many organizations are realizing the strategic impact and business value that EA. With the adoption of Enterprise Architecture (EA) by different types of organizations in different vertical industries, the selection of the most appropriate EA Framework (EAF) for that organization has become a critical decision when utilizing EA. An EAF is designed to assist with the implementation and utilization of EA in a variety of ways. Frameworks range from those designed to focus on the development of architectural description, to frameworks devoted to assessing EA maturity. Though there exist dozens of EA frameworks, some with similar views or even overlapping goals, the pattern that emerged through interpretation of these research results shows that the selection of an EA framework is industry-specific. This research discusses an overview of the five major EA frameworks: Zachman, the TOGAF® Standard, FEAF, DoDAF, and Gartner. The overview is designed to highlight important elements from each framework and provide assistance and some criteria that can be used in choosing or developing an EA framework for an organization. The recommendations on identifying criteria for selecting or designing an EA framework are based upon the survey results derived from the participation and collaboration of leading EA industry associations.


Its all about positively affecting your organization's bottom line. If managing system complexity and delivering business value are key priorities for you, you should care about enterprise-architecture methodologies. If you are focused on maintaining, or rebuilding, IT's credibility in your organization, or if you strive to promote the use of IT to maintain a competitive position in your industry, you should continue reading this white paper. If these issues don't concern you, these methodologies have little to offer.


Enterprise architecture framework

An enterprise architecture framework (EA framework) defines how to create and use an enterprise architecture. An architecture framework provides principles and practices for creating and using the architecture description of a system. It structures architects' thinking by dividing the architecture description into domains, layers or views, and offers models - typically matrices and diagrams - for documenting each view.


The common Components of EAF

In addition to three major framework components discussed above.
1. Description advice: some kind of Architecture Artifacts Map or Viewpoint Library
2. Process advice: some kind of Architecture Development Method, with supporting guidance.
3. Organization advice: including an EA Governance Model

An Ideal EA Framework should feature:
1. Business Value Measurement Metrics
2. EA Initiative Model
3. EA Maturity Model
4. Enterprise Communication Model


The Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architectures

The Zachman Framework is an enterprise ontology and is a fundamental structure for Enterprise Architecture which provides a formal and structured way of viewing and defining an enterprise. The ontology is a two dimensional classification schema that reflects the intersection between two historical classifications. The first are primitive interrogatives: What, How, When, Who, Where, and Why. The second is derived from the philosophical concept of reification, the transformation of an abstract idea into an instantiation. The Zachman Framework reification transformations are: Identification, Definition, Representation, Specification, Configuration and Instantiation.


The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)

The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is a framework for enterprise architecture which provides an approach for designing, planning, implementing, and governing an enterprise information technology architecture. TOGAF has been a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries since 2011. TOGAF is a high level approach to design. It is typically modeled at four levels: Business, Application, Data, and Technology. It relies heavily on modularization, standardization, and already existing, proven technologies and products.


Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA)

A federal enterprise architecture (FEA) is the enterprise architecture of a federal government. It provides a common approach for the integration of strategic, business and technology management as part of organization design and performance improvement.
The most familiar federal enterprise architecture is the enterprise architecture of the Federal government of the United States, the U.S. "Federal Enterprise Architecture" (FEA) and the corresponding U.S. "Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework" (FEAF). This lemma will focus on this particular enterprise architecture and enterprise architecture framework.


Gartner Enterprise Architecture (GEA)

Enterprise Architecture is a critical discipline for both strategic planning and effective execution. EA programs and efforts need to focus on solving real business problems while maintaining strategic focus on organizational alignment. Adapting EA concepts to organizational dynamics and culture is critical for successfully using EA to transform the business with relevant, actionable guidance.